Hunger is the worst disease, conditioned things the worst suffering. Knowing this as it really is, the wise realize Nibbana, the highest bliss.
Health is the highest gain, contentment the greatest wealth. A trustworthy person is the best kinsman, Nibbana, the highest bliss.
Dhammapada Verses 203 & 204
Comings & Goings
Ajahn Chaiyaporn is expected to arrive in July for the Rains Retreat.
- Kelly is planning to stay for the Rains Retreat.
- Tomas was ordained as an anagarika on 18 June.
- Hoa fr Mel joined the community in June
- Two more laymen will come to WBD for the Rains
Community List for Rains 2017
Ajahn Khemavaro
Ajahn Chaiyaporn
Anagarika Tom
Anagarika Bryce
Anagarika Tomas
Upcoming Retreats and Events
Robes Offering Ceremony
15th October 2017
November Weekend Retreat
24th Nov to 26th 2017
New Year Retreat
by Ajahn Khemavaro
29th Dec to 2nd Jan 2018
For further info regarding events and retreats, please visit our website at wbd.org.au or email the office at wbdoffice@gmail.com
Visits from Senior Monks
LP Piak has confirmed that he will visit WBD after the Rains. Dates are being finalized.
Ajahn Dtun in March/April 2018.
Building Projects for 2017/2018
Kyle’s House—Renovation. Work to start after Rains
Yurt—Toilet suite. Work to start after Rains