Comings & Goings
- Ajahn Tiradhammo has been granted another visa for four years.
- Ajahn Khemavaro – has not travelled out of Australia since Mar 2020.
- Ajahn Sudhammo will leave for Melbourne in December/January.
- Ajahn Chaiyaporn will return to Thailand in November.
- Venerable Pannananda came in February 2020 and will stay on.
Long-term lay guests (in alphabetical order)
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, retreats have been cancelled throughout 2020 and until further notice. Visitors are still welcome to visit, stay and practice at the Wat.
Completed Projects 2020
Properties damaged by 2019 bushfires have been rebuilt: Thera Kuti, all walking meditation paths, two new bridges, woodshed near lay shower block, and 8 new water tanks.
New Kuti at Taree Hermitage.
Solar panel upgrade at Sangha House.
Decking around the office area.
Building Projects for 2020/2021
Hill Kuti for LP Tiradhammo
Granny flat for laypeople