Comings & Goings
LP Tiradhammo was in Canada visiting friends and families for six weeks. He returned on 20th July.
Ajahn Khemavaro, Bhante Siriratano, and Venerable Bhuripannyo visited Dhammacakka Forest Monastery in Queensland from 14th to 17th July.
Photo Gallery: Gatton 2023

Ajahn Khemavaro was in Vietnam from 21st to 30th June. He visited Huyen Khong Son Thuong Monastery in Hue, Buu Long Temple in Ho Chi Minh City, and Vien Khong Monastery in Ba Ria. Dan and Venerable Pannyananda also joined him for the trip.
Photo Gallery: Vietnam 2023

Ajahn Khemavaro was in Texas visiting families from 9th to 27th May. He led a 3-Day Meditation Workshop at Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation Centre, outside of Houston. Ajahn also visited Sitagu Buddha Vihara in Austin Texas.
Ajahn Khemavaro and a group of lay supporters visited Ajahn Santutthi in Perth from 26th April to 2nd May.
Bhantes Siriratano and Saccadhammo arrived from Indonesia 2nd May. Bhante Siri is planning to spend the Rains Retreat at the Wat and Bhante Sacca returned to Indonesia on 1st June.
Venerable Bhuripannyo came from South Adelaide on 2nd May for a six weeks visit. He plans to spend the Rains Retreat at WBD.
Ajahn Dtun at Seymour Forest Monastery 12th to 27th March
Ajahn Khemavaro and a large delegation of lay supporters from WBD participated in the Installation Buddha Relics in the main Buddha Statue at Seymour Forest Monastery.

Upcoming Retreats and Events
Rains Retreat 2023
1st August to 30th October
Luang Por Tiradhammo
Ajahn Khemavaro
Bhante Siriratano
Ajahn Chaiyaporn
Venerable Bhuripannyo
Venerable Caranadhammo
Venerable Sammavaca-TBC
Lay people
Kathina Ceremony
Sunday 5th November
Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk 10 – 3 pm.
Wisdom of Stillness
4-Day New Year Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 29th December to Monday 1st Jan 2024

• Around 40 attended the 4-day Easter Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro in April.
• The monks went on alms round in Cabramatta on 21st January, 19th April, and 10th June.
Current Building Projects
Laundry Shed finished in December 2022
New Workshop—To be by December 2023
New Dome Kuti installed July 2023
New Solar Batteries for Granny Flat
Increased power capacity for kitchen with additional solar batteries
Electricity upgrade for Yurt
Potential Building Projects for 2024
Roof repair and lighting reconnection for Dorm
Sink and toilet for Kyle House
Decking and roof renovation for Cynthia House
Decking, window, and roof restoration for Family House
Decking for Old Kitchen
Bathroom upgrade for Yurt
Recent Dhamma Talks on YouTube
Stages of Awakening
by Ajahn Dtun
Sutta Study #12 Nibbana: Liberation from Suffering and Samsara
by Ajahn Tiradhammo
The Way to Ultimate Happiness
by Ajahn Tiradhammo
Unique Moments
by Ajahn Jayasaro
Wisdom of Silence Retreat: Introduction Talk
by Ajahn Khemavaro
True Wisdom
by Ajahn Khemavaro
Intoxications of Youth and Good Health
The Buddha taught that the unenlightened relationship to the agreeable aspects of life such as youth and good health, may be best characterized as a kind of intoxication. We take the good things in life for granted, forget their impermanent nature, and as a result, act, speak and think in ways that cause suffering to ourselves and others.
For this reason the Buddha taught us to constantly remind ourselves:
1. I am subject to old age. I am not exempt from old age.
2. I am subject to illness. I am not exempt from illness.
3. I am subject to death. I am not exempt from death.
4. Sooner or later, I will be separated from everyone and everything dear and agreeable to me.
5. I am the owner of my kamma, heir to my kamma; I have kamma as my origin, kamma as my relative, kamma as my support. I will be the heir of whatever kamma that I do, good or bad.
The strength of resistance we feel towards these reflections is a measure of the strength of the intoxication. It is dwelling on the truth that makes us sober and clear minded.
Excerpt from: From Heart and Hand Vol II by Ajahn Jayasaro
For more teachings of Ajahn Jayasaro, please click here: Teachings by Jayasaro