2nd August to 30th October
During the Rains Retreat the community at WBD will focus on formal meditation practice, cultivating stillness, compassion, and wisdom. While people are welcome to visit the monastery during the day, we will not be able to accommodate overnight guests.
Emails will be answered between 5-7 days. If it’s urgent please call the office at 0409-389-887 between 11 am and 12 noon. Thank you for your support.
Community List
LP Tiradhammo
Ajahn Khemavaro
Bhante Siriratano
Ajahn Chaiyaporn
Venerable Bhuripannyo
Venerable Sammavaca
Venerable Caranadhammo
Venerable Ajita
Anagarika Annie

Kathina Ceremony
Sunday 5th November 2023
Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk
10 – 3 pm

Reflection on Impermanence
All conditioned things are impermanent;
All conditioned things are dukkha;
Everything is void of self.
Life is not for sure;
Death is for sure;
It is inevitable that I’ll die
Death is the culmination of my life;
My life is uncertain;
My death is certain.
This body will soon
Be void of consciousness
And cast away.
It will lie on the ground
Just like a rotten log,
Completely void of use,
Truly conditioned things cannot last,
Their nature is to rise and fall,
Having arisen things must cease,
Their stilling is true happiness.

True and False Refuges
To many refuges they go–
To mountain slopes and forest glades,
To parkland shrines and sacred sites–
People overcome by fear.
Such a refuge is not secure,
Such a refuge is not supreme,
Such a refuge does not bring
Complete release from suffering.
Whoever goes to refuge
In the Triple Gem
Sees with right discernment
The Four Noble Truths;
Suffering and its origin
And that which lies beyond–
The Noble Eightfold Path
That leads the way to Suffering’s end.
Such a refuge is secure,
Such a refuge is supreme,
Such a refuge truly brings
Complete release from all suffering.
Dhammapada Verses #188-191