Rains Retreat 2019

Rains Retreat 2019 

17th July to 13th October

During the Rains Retreat the community at WBD will focus on formal meditation practice, cultivating stillness, compassion, and wisdom. The monastery is open for day visits, however, we will not be able to accommodate overnight guests.   Emails will be answered between 5-7 days. If it’s urgent please call the office at 0409-389-887 between 11 am and 12 noon.    Thank you for your support.

This year’s Rains Retreat, the community comprises of six monks, one anagarika, and seven lay meditators: 

Ajahn Tiradhammo, Ajahn Khemavaro, Ajahn Suddhammo, Ajahn Chaiyaporn, Ajahn MahaAir, Ajahn Kriskakol, and Anagarika Jillo

Kelly Lenton, David Wiggs, Damian Matthews, Rebecca Goss, Jia (Khema) Chan, Michael McGinley (not pictured), Derek Scotney (not pictured)

Kathina Ceremony

Sunday 27th October

Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk.  

All are welcome

10 – 3 pm



WBD Newsletter March 2019

3-Day Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Tiradhammo
Friday, 15th to Monday, 18th  March 2019

Fully Booked–Waiting List Only

Ajahn Dtun to Visit Australia
18th to 25th April Victoria
For further details, please contact Buddhist Society of Victoria (BSV)
71 Darling Rd Malvern East VIC
In the Presence of Nibbana
Ajahn Dtun @ Wat Buddha Dhamma
Fri  26th  April          Meal Offering 10 am
Fri  26th April          Q & A 11:30 – 1 pm
Sat 27th April          Meal Offering 10 am
Sat 27th April          Q & A 11:30 – 1 pm
Sat 27th April          Dhamma Talk 7 – 9 pm
Ajahn Dtun at Buddhist Library
90-92 Church St. Camperdown
Tuesday 30th April
The Way to True Happiness
7-9 pm
For directions, please call 02-9519-6054
Vesak Celebration
Saturday 19th May 2019
Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk
10 – 3 pm

Rains Retreat 2019
16th July to 13th October
You are cordially invited to spend the Rains Retreat at the Wat. 
To serve and to deepen your practice. 
Minimum stay of one month and priority will be given to those who can commit themselves for the entire three months.
Kathina Ceremony
Sunday 27th October 2019
Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk
10 – 3 pm
To register for upcoming retreats, please fill out an online application form at www.wbd.org.auFor further enquiries, please email:  wbdoffice@gmail.com or call the office at  0409-389-887 between 9 – 12 noon.
The Sacred Equation
The following is an excerpt from a question and answer session with Ajahn Dtun, which was recently published in a new book, The Sacred Equation.  If you would like a copy please visit:  www.forestsanghaspublications.org
Layperson:  Will we be able to attain to the Dhamma by only watching the arising and ceasing of all mental objects within the mind?  I was told that Dhamma practice for modern people should be more mind-oriented, because we are required to think a lot and have also received a better education than previous generations?
Ajahn Dtun: It is true that in this modern age people have received a very good education and possess much knowledge.  However, their knowledge is only the worldly kind of intelligence, it is not wisdom.  Wisdom is what enables us to free our hearts from the defilements of greed, anger, and delusion.
No matter how much they watch their mind, those who like to practise the method of ‘doo jit’-watching the mind- cannot remove the mental defilements.  The only way to do so is to go to the very source of the defilements—the body.  It is our deluded attachment to and identification with the body as being ourselves that give rise to greed and anger. 

Monastery Report December 2018

Comings & Goings


  1. Ajahn Tiradhammo will be leaving for Thailand on 13 Dec and is expected to be back on 30 Jan.
  2. Venerable Pasado from Bodhinyana Monastery stayed for 4 weeks in Nov.  
  3. Ajahn Khemavaro will visit Vietnam  in late January.
  4. Ajahns Sudhammo and Chaiyaporn will visit Thailand from 6 to 28 Feb for Wat Boonyawad Chedi  Dedication Ceremony.
  5. Ajahn Vajiro, the Abbot of the Portugal monastery will visit WBD from 10 to 17 Feb.
  6. Ajahn Khemavaro will visit Thailand from 16 to 28 Feb.
  7. We expect to have 5-6 monks for the coming Rains Retreat.


  1. Araliya plans to come for 1-2 months from late Dec.

Robes Offering Ceremony

Sunday 25th November

About 150 people attended the ceremony (pictures above) and $22,000 was donated to the Building Fund. The funds will be used for kuti renovations, road maintenance, and loan repayments.

Long Weekend Retreat w Ajahn Tiradhammo  9 – 12 November

Around 50 people attended the retreat. Nhan, Suong, and Mai organized the cooking.  Marie was the Manager.

Upcoming Retreats and Events

Wisdom of Stillness

5-Day New Year Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro

Friday 28th December to Tuesday 1st Jan 2019

To register, please click on the following link:  https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/new-year-retreat-tickets-44955727792?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

Visits from Senior Monks

LP Tiradhammo arrived in Mar 2018 and will be staying at WBD for two years.

Ajahn Dtun confirmed that he will visit Australia in April 2019

Buddha in the Bush Project

Hyland Hermitage (Dorrigo):  Renovation of cabin in April/May 2019.

Golden Forest Hermitage (Taree):  We plan to build 1-2 meditation platforms in 2019. 

We plan to organize day long retreats and/or Dhamma talks in Dorrigo and Taree in 2019.

Building Projects for 2018/2019

Pavilion—Renovation completed

Solar Panel Project—New panels and gel batteries were installed

Old Kitchen—Walking platform completed

Earth Kuti—Septic tank fixed

Yurt—Toilet suite—work to begin after Rains

Thera Kuti—Extension of roof—completed

Kuti #2—Renovations verandah and roof extensions

Dana Sala—Renovations


Upcoming Talks at Buddhist Library

Working with the Five Hindrances 
with Ajahn Tiradhammo
Tuesday 19th June, 7pm – 9pm 
at the Buddhist Library
Registration: https://buddhistlibrary.org.au/events/working-with-the-five-hindrances/

How to Liberate Oneself from Suffering?
with Ajahn Khemavaro
Tuesday 24th July, 7pm – 9pm
at the Buddhist Library
Registration: https://buddhistlibrary.org.au/events/how-to-liberate-oneself-from-suffering/

For further info regarding talks at Buddhist Library, please contact:
Su Sian
Buddhist Library Manager
E: susian@buddhistlibrary.org.au
C: 02 9519 6054
H: 12.30pm-5pm, Monday-Friday
A: 90-92 Church St, Camperdown (Sydney), NSW 2050.
W: www.buddhistlibrary.org.au




Vesak & 40th Anniversary Celebrations Sunday 6th May

Vesak is one of the most important dates in the Buddhist Calendar.  On Vesak Day we celebrate the birth, death, and Enlightenment of the Buddha.  This year’s celebration is extra special as we will also commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Wat.  We invite you all to join us for this weekend of celebrations and rejoicing, recollecting our debt of gratitude to  the Founders of the Wat.  This is a great opportunity to catch up with your Dhamma friends and spend a relaxing weekend at the Wat.  While the main ceremony is on Sunday, 6th May, people are encouraged to come on Saturday to help with the preparations. 

This is an open weekend and all are welcome.  If you plan to stay overnight, please book by clicking this link: https://www.wbd.org.au/visiting/overnight-and-longer/.

                                            Sunday Schedule
             Arrival                                     10:00 – 10:30 am                          
             Dana Offering & Lunch           10:30  – 12:00 pm
             Vesak Ceremony                    12:30  –  1:30 pm
             Monastery Tour                        1:30  –   2:30 pm
             Afternoon Tea                           2:30  –  3:00 pm
             For further info, please call 0409 389 887 
             or email:  wbdoffice@gmail.com

Joy with others is a sure antidote for depression. Anybody who suffers from depression is suffering from the lack of joy with others, the lack of sympathetic joy. One cannot always have joyful occasions, joyful thoughts in one’s own life, but if one has joy with other people, one can surely find something to be happy about.

 Ayya Khema

Wat Enews April 2018

Renunciation of attachments seems intimidating because it feels as if we are being asked to give up things which give us a lot of pleasure–or, a least , more pleasure than pain.
If we still perceive things in this way there can be no renunciation in the Buddhist sense.  True renunciation can only occur through clear seeing.
By looking again and again at our mind we see that, in fact, the pleasure that we receive from our attachments is much less than we thought, the suffering much more.  When we see this truth with a peaceful mind we throw off the attachment without regret.
Ajahn Chah said it was like a fisherman who grabs a poisonous snake from the net thinking it is an eel.  The moment he realises what he is holding he throws it as far away as he can.

                                               “from heart and hand” by Ajahn Jayasaro

A Chat with Ajahn Suchart

During our recent visit to Thailand, we had the privilege to meet up with Ajahn Suchart again.  Below is the video of the chat: Please click:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOBGqze8SF4&t=1903s

Ajahn Tiradhammo to reside at WBD

Ajahn Tiradhammo is a warm and cheerful Bhikkhu, and always an interesting speaker. With 44 years of experience as a Buddhist Monk, Ajahn Tiradhammo has led many meditation retreats throughout the world. We are delighted  that Venerable Ajahn will be staying at WBD for the next two years.

A Brief Biography 
Ajahn Tiradhammo was born in New Westminster, British Columbia in 1949. In 1973 he became a novice and took his higher ordination one year later at Wat Meung Man in Chiang Mai with Venerable Tong. In 1975 he moved, in order to be with Ajahn Chah, staying at Wat Pah Pong and Wat Pa Nanachat. He went on several tudong journeys through the northeast of Thailand and the mountains of Chiang Mai, visiting many famous forest meditation masters.
He was invited to England in 1982 to help with developments there. He spent two years at Chithurst Monastery, and three years in charge of Harnham Vihara in Northumberland. In 1988 he helped establish Dhammapala Monastery near Bern, Switzerland and also later at its new location in the Bernese Alpine village of Kandersteg where he was the senior monk until 2005. In July 2005 he assumed the position of Abbot at Bodhinyanarama, Wellington, NZ, until 2012.  He has since retired and is now a wandering monk.

Monastery Report November 2017

Comings & Goings


  1. Ajahn Chaiyaporn arrived in July for the Rains Retreat.  We are waiting for a response for a 2 years work visa application.
  2. LP Piak visited with three monks and four lay people from Thailand after pansah.
  3. Venerable Bhaddo from Perth arrived in Oct and will stay until Jan
  4. Venerable Akaliko will visit at the end of Nov and stay until New Year.
  5. Ajahn Khemavaro and Anagarika Tom will be going to Thailand in mid Jan on a monastery tour.  They will be joined by Ajahn Nick, 2 men and 3 women.


  1. Kelly, spent the Rains at WBD and plans to stay onward.

 Upcoming Retreats and Events

November Weekend Retreat

24th Nov to 26th 2017

New Year Retreat by Ajahn Khemavaro

29th Dec to 1st Jan 2018

Visits from Senior Monks

LP Piak visited from 13th to 24th Oct.

LP Tiradhammo will be visiting in Mar 2018.

Ajahn Dtun in March/April 2018.

 Buddha in the Bush Project

Both properties were purchased.  4450 Chaelundi Rd settled on 17 August 2017 and 1383 Enfield Range Rd on 14 September 2917. LP Piak visited the new properties and named them:  Amber Forest (Ambhanapana) for Enfield Range and Mountain Forest (Phanompana) for Chaelundi Rd.

Building Projects for 2017/2018

Pavilion—Renovation. Work to start after Rains

Yurt—Toilet suite.

LP Piak Visit in October

img_1348_rSaturday 14th October

Dana                          10:00 am

Q & A               11:30-12:30 pm

Sunday 15th October

Robes Offering Ceremony

10 – 3 pm

Monday 16th to Wednesday 18th October

On the Road

Mid Coast NSW

Thursday 19th October

Dana                        10:00 am

Q & A                  7:00-8:30 pm

Weekend Retreat @ Wat Buddha Dhamma

Friday 20th to Sunday 22nt October

The above schedule is subject to last minute changes depending on LP Piak’s health and energy. Please plan to arrive by 9:30 am for dana at 10. Any queries, please call the office at 0409-389-887 or email: wbdoffice@gmail.com

Rains Retreat Announcement


Rains Retreat 2017  from 9th July to 6th October

During the Rains Retreat the community at WBD will focus on formal meditation practice; cultivating stillness, compassion, and wisdom. The monastery is open for day visits, however, we will not be able to accommodate overnight guests.   Emails will be answered between 5-7 days. If it’s urgent please call the office at 02-4323-3193 or 0409-389-887 between 11 am and 12 noon.    Thank you for your support.

A single verse of truth which calms the mind

    is better to hear than a thousand irrelevant verses.

Dhammapada v. 101

Monastery Report June 2017


Hunger is the worst disease, conditioned things the worst suffering.  Knowing this as it really is, the wise realize Nibbana, the highest bliss.

Health is the highest gain, contentment the greatest wealth.  A trustworthy person is the best kinsman, Nibbana, the highest bliss.

Dhammapada Verses 203 & 204

Comings & Goings

 Ajahn Chaiyaporn is expected to arrive in July for the Rains Retreat.


  1. Kelly is planning to stay for the Rains Retreat.
  2. Tomas was ordained as an anagarika on 18 June.
  3. Hoa fr Mel joined the community in June
  4. Two more laymen will come to WBD for the Rains

Community List for Rains 2017

Ajahn Khemavaro
Ajahn Chaiyaporn
Anagarika Tom
Anagarika Bryce
Anagarika Tomas


Upcoming Retreats and Events

Robes Offering Ceremony

15th October 2017

November Weekend Retreat

24th Nov to 26th 2017

New Year Retreat

by Ajahn Khemavaro

29th Dec to 2nd Jan 2018

For further info regarding events and retreats, please visit our website at wbd.org.au or email the office at wbdoffice@gmail.com

Visits from Senior Monks

LP Piak  has confirmed that he will visit WBD after the Rains.  Dates are being finalized.

Ajahn Dtun in March/April 2018.

Building Projects for 2017/2018

Kyle’s House—Renovation. Work to start after Rains

Yurt—Toilet suite.  Work to start after Rains