LP Piak to Visit in February

LP Piak in Cotton Field near Dhammacakka Monastery
Luang Por Piak to Visit Australia
26th February to 11th March

26th – 28th February           
Melbourne, VIC
Saturday  1st March            
Visit Dhammacakka Forest Monastery in Forest Hill, QLD
2 – 4 pm
For Directions: DFM Location

Sunday  2nd March           
Dhamma Talk  6:30 – 8 pm
Queensland Burmese Buddhist Association
159 Bagnall St. Ellen Grove QLD
Friday  7th March            
Wat Buddha Dhamma
Meal Time                   10 am
Dhamma Talk               7 pm

Saturday  8th March            
Wat Buddha Dhamma
Meal Time                  10 am
Q & A                           7 pm

Sunday  9th March           
Wat Buddha Dhamma
Meal Time                  10 am
Dhamma Talk               7 pm

Monday 10th March
Wat Buddha Dhamma
Meal Time                  10 am
Travel to Sydney

The above schedule is subject to last minute changes depending on LP Piak’s health and energy. Please plan to arrive by 9:30 am for
dana at 10. Any queries, please call the office at 0409-389-887 or
email: wbdoffice@gmail.com
 About the Teacher: 
Luang Por (Venerable father) Piak is one of Thailand’s most respected  teachers of Dhamma and meditation. Born in 1948, Luang Por Piak’s  given name is Prasobchai but he was nicknamed ‘Piak’. As a child and young man Luang Por Piak did not have much interest in religion or meditation. It was when he was studying for his Masters in New York that Luang Por Piak began to develop an interest about the mind.
The first time Piak began to develop an interest in his own mind was
during the years in New York. On the subway, for example, while heading to work, he would find his mind naturally observing and converging on
his breath. There he found both pleasure and peace. He also noticed that he was able to wake up in the morning at whatever time he wished simply by mentally determining the time the night before. Even if he’d
spent most of the night at a party, he’d still wake up exactly at the predetermined time. These experiences made him curious about how the mind worked and led on to an interest in meditation.
Venerable Piak then received full bhikkhu ordination from Luang Por
Chah on July 3rd 1976, just before the beginning of the rains retreat that year.  In 1981, when Venerable Piak had been ordained for five years, a
piece of property was offered outside of Bangkok for a branch monastery.  Luang Por Chah asked Venerable Piak to live there as the
Abbot. It was unusual for a monk to be asked to take on so much
responsibility at such a young age, but Venerable Piak had had quick
progress in his Dhamma practice and was also native to that region. 
Initially surrounded by rice fields as far as one could see, within ten
years his small monastery had been completely engulfed by Bangkok’s
urban sprawl. Noise, heat and pollution notwithstanding, Luang Por Piak has remained a refuge of peace and soothing coolness within the heart of Thailand’s largest city. Although he never completed his masters degree, he quickly came to be recognized as one of the most respected  masters of our time.

Pictures of Luang Por’s Visit in 2024
Pictures of LP Piak’s visit in 2017
Pictures of LP Piak’s Visit in 2016

Rains Retreat 2023

2nd August to 30th October

During the Rains Retreat the community at WBD will focus on formal meditation practice, cultivating stillness, compassion, and wisdom. While people are welcome to visit the monastery during the day, we will not be able to accommodate overnight guests.  

Emails will be answered between 5-7 days. If it’s urgent please call the office at 0409-389-887 between 11 am and 12 noon.  Thank you for your support.

Community List

LP Tiradhammo               
Ajahn Khemavaro
Bhante Siriratano
Ajahn Chaiyaporn
Venerable Bhuripannyo
Venerable Sammavaca
Venerable Caranadhammo 

Venerable Ajita                                                   

Anagarika Annie

WBD Dhamma Talks on YouTube

Kathina Ceremony
Sunday 5th November 2023
Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk
10 – 3 pm

Reflection on Impermanence
All conditioned things are impermanent; 
All conditioned things are dukkha;
Everything is void of self.
Life is not for sure;
Death is for sure;
It is inevitable that I’ll die
Death is the culmination of my life;
My life is uncertain;
My death is certain.
This body will soon
Be void of consciousness
And cast away.
It will lie on the ground
Just like a rotten log,
Completely void of use,
Truly conditioned things cannot last,
Their nature is to rise and fall,
Having arisen things must cease,
Their stilling is true happiness. 

Kempsey Hermitage

True and False Refuges
To many refuges they go–
To mountain slopes and forest glades,
To parkland shrines and sacred sites–
People overcome by fear. 

Such a refuge is not secure,
Such a refuge is not supreme,
Such a refuge does not bring
Complete release from suffering.

Whoever goes to refuge
In the Triple Gem
Sees with right discernment
The Four Noble Truths;

Suffering and its origin
And that which lies beyond–
The Noble Eightfold Path
That leads the way to Suffering’s end. 

Such a refuge is secure,
Such a refuge is supreme,
Such a refuge truly brings
Complete release from all suffering.  

Dhammapada Verses #188-191

Robes Offering Ceremony

Sunday, 7th November 2021

Meditation Hall
        Arrival             10:00  -  10:30 am
        Lunch               10:30  -  12:00 pm
        Ceremony            12:15  -   2:00 pm
        Guided Tour          2:00  -   3:00 pm

The Robes Offering Ceremony marks the end of the Rains Retreat. On this day we rejoice in having spent the past three months at the Wat dedicated to the cultivation peace and kindness. This is a rare opportunity to take part in an old and inspiring Buddhist ceremony and a chance to make new friends.

The core values that are celebrated during the Robes Offering Ceremony are those that make living together in harmony possible; qualities like kindness, compassion, patience and acceptance. In our sometimes chaotic and competitive world, it is important to remember that our own sense of well-being cannot be secure unless it is founded on acts of generosity and goodwill to others.

The ceremony will include taking the Three Refuges and Five Precepts, auspicious chanting and Dhamma talks by Luang Por Tiradhammo and Ajahn Khemavaro. After the ceremony there will be a monastery tour, where visitors can see some monks’ huts.

For further info, please call 0409 389-887 between 8-10 am and 11am -1 pm or email: wbdoffice@gmail.com.

Rains Retreat 2020

Rains Retreat 2020
6th July to 2nd October 

During the Rains Retreat the community at WBD will focus on formal meditation practice, cultivating stillness, compassion, and wisdom. The monastery is open for day visits, however, we will not be able to accommodate overnight guests.  Regarding day visit, please follow instructions below. Emails will be answered between 5-7 days. If it’s urgent please call the office at 0409-389-887 between 11 am and 12 noon.  Thank you for your support.

Community List for Rains 2020
LP Tiradhammo               
Ajahn Khemavaro
Ajahn Sudhammo                               
Ajahn Chaiyaporn                      
Venerable Panyannda

Videos of Saturday Night Dhamma Talks 

WBD Dhamma Talks on YouTube

Please keep the monastery safe

ᴓ been feeling unwell
ᴓ any flu like symptoms – including fever, cough, sore throat or loss of taste/smell
ᴓ travelled to any hotspot location identified by NSW Government in the last 14 days
ᴓ been in close contact with any confirmed cases of COVID or persons awaiting test results
ᴓ been tested positive of COVID or awaiting test results
If you meet any of the above criteria please leave the monastery and contact your doctor for advice

If you are safe to enter, please follow the guidelines below:
√ Complete COVID logbook for contact tracing
√ Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or sanitiser
√ Avoid touching your face with your hands
√ If you cough or sneeze, use a tissue and bin after use
√ Keep 1.5 meter distance from others

Kathina Ceremony
Sunday 11th October 2020TBC
Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk
10 – 3 pm.
For further enquiries, please email:  wbdoffice@gmail.com or call the office at 0409-389-887 between 9 – 12 noon.

True Refuge
To many places beings withdraw
to escape from fear:
to mountains, forests, parklands and gardens;
sacred places as well.
But none of these places
offer true refuge,
none of them can free us from fear.

The Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha
these are true refuge;
these are supreme;
these lead to Liberation.

Dhammapada Verse #188-191