Rains Retreat 2024
21st July to 18th October
You are cordially invited to spend the
Rains Retreat at the Wat.
To serve and to deepen your practice.
Minimum stay of one month and priority will be given to those who can commit for the entire three months.
To register for the Rains retreat, please complete the application form on the WBD website.
Daily Schedule Rains Retreat
4:00 – 6:00 am Morning Chanting & Meditation
6:00 – 6:45 am Breakfast (optional)
7:00 – 9:00 am Sitting/Walking Meditation (Sala)
10:00 – 11:30 am Lunch and Kitchen Clean Up
12:00 – 2:00 pm Personal Practice
2:00 – 4:00 pm Sitting/Walking Meditation
5:00 – 6:00 pm Drinks
7:00 – 9:00 pm Evening Chanting & Meditation.
**On Full Moon and New Moon Days the evening meditation practice may
continue all night.
Kathina Ceremony
Sunday 27th October
Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk
10 – 3 pm

Luang Por Piak to Visit Australia 5th to 11th April Friday 5th April Dhamma Home 204 William St Yagoona Dhamma Talk 10 am Meal 11 am Saturday 6th April Wat Buddha Dhamma Meal Time 10 am Dhamma Talk 7 pm Sunday 7th April Wat Buddha Dhamma Meal Time 10 am Q & A 7 pm Tuesday 9th April Visit Dhammacakka Forest Monastery in Gatton, QLD Paritta Chanting 1 pm Wednesday 10th April Dana at Dan’s House Dhamma Talk 10 am Meal Time 11 am Thursday 11th April Leave for Thailand The above schedule is subject to last minute changes depending on LP Piak’s health and energy. Please plan to arrive by 9:30 am for dana at 10. Any queries, please call the office at 0409-389-887 or email: wbdoffice@gmail.com. |
About the Teacher: Luang Por (Venerable father) Piak is one of Thailand’s most respected teachers of Dhamma and meditation. Born in 1948, Luang Por Piak’s given name is Prasobchai but he was nicknamed ‘Piak’. As a child and young man Luang Por Piak did not have much interest in religion or meditation. It was when he was studying for his Masters in New York that Luang Por Piak began to develop an interest about the mind. The first time Piak began to develop an interest in his own mind was during the years in New York. On the subway, for example, while heading to work, he would find his mind naturally observing and converging on his breath. There he found both pleasure and peace. He also noticed that he was able to wake up in the morning at whatever time he wished simply by mentally determining the time the night before. Even if he’d spent most of the night at a party, he’d still wake up exactly at the predetermined time. These experiences made him curious about how the mind worked and led on to an interest in meditation. Venerable Piak then received full bhikkhu ordination from Luang Por Chah on July 3rd 1976, just before the beginning of the rains retreat that year. In 1981, when Venerable Piak had been ordained for five years, a piece of property was offered outside of Bangkok for a branch monastery. Luang Por Chah asked Venerable Piak to live there as the abbot. It was unusual for a monk to be asked to take on so much responsibility at such a young age, but Venerable Piak had had quick progress in his Dhamma practice and was also native to that region. Initially surrounded by rice fields as far as one could see, within ten years his small monastery had been completely engulfed by Bangkok’s urban sprawl. Noise, heat and pollution notwithstanding, Luang Por Piak has remained a refuge of peace and soothing coolness within the heart of Thailand’s largest city. Although he never completed his masters degree, he quickly came to be recognized as one of the most respected masters of our time. Pictures of LP Piak’s visit to Australia in 2017 Pictures of LP Piak’s Visit to Australia in 2016 |

Ajahn Dtun to visit Australia from 4th to 24th March
13th and 14th March at Wat Buddha Dhamma
Daily Schedule
9:30 Dana Offering
10:00 Meal Time
11:00 Q & A
For further info, please call the office at 0409 389 887.
Dhamma Talk at Buddhist Library
Sunday 17th March
6 – 8 pm
90-92 Church St Camperdown NSW
For more info, please call Buddhist Library at: 02 9519 6054
or email: blmanager@buddhistlibrary.org.
Ajahn Dtun will be in Victoria from 4th to 11th and 19th to 24th March
He will be staying Nigrodharama Forest Monastery
595 Seymour-Pyalong Rd
Hilldene VIC 3660
Daily Schedule
8:30 Dana Offering
9:00 Meal Time
10:30 Q & A
For further info, please call the Nigrodharama Monastery at 0480 271 789.
The schedule is subject to last minute changes and alterations.
Past Teachings of Ajahn Dtun in Australia and US
Ajahn Dtun at BSV
10-Day Retreat in Melbourne 2007
Talks at Wat Buddha Dhamma in 2015
Talks in Melbourne in 2015
Talks at BSV in 2016
Talks in 2019
Talks at Abhayagiri Monastery 2013
Picture Gallery: Boonyawad Kathina
English Talks from YouTube
Stages of Enlightenment and the Mind
What Defines a Good Human Being: From Harming to Helping Others
For additional teachings in Thai or books/CDs, click on the links below:
YouTube Channel
The Sacred Equation
At the heart of the Buddha’s teaching is the Noble Eightfold Path, which is divided into the threefold training of sīla, samādhi and paññā, moral virtue, concentration and wisdom. The combination of all three path factors is commonly known as the Middle Way, and it is this very combination which forms a sacred equation that ultimately results in peace, freedom from suffering, liberation and Nibbāna. The three factors are mutually supportive of each other: moral virtue is a foundation for concentration, concentration the foundation for wisdom, and wisdom is the tool that works for one’s deliverance. Removing any one factor from this sacred equation will prevent one from reaching the path that leads to true happiness, Nibbāna.
The main part of this teaching begins with a very simple question which Ajahn Dtun asked a group of laypeople whom he knew to be students of a teacher who emphasizes the practice of ‘watching the mind’. This practice focuses on watching the arising and ceasing of all the objects of the mind’s awareness, with the view that this is the most effective way to give rise to wisdom and thereby cleanse the mind of the mental defilements. Those practising this particular method tend to overlook or underrate the role that concentration plays in the development of wisdom. Over the last 15 years this practice of watching the mind, while by no means new or modern, has attracted a great deal of interest and become very popular in Thailand. However, this new-found popularity has created concern among the more traditional forest masters, who stress that believing that the practice of just watching the mind can free it from the mental defilements is a great mistake. On many occasions over many years, Ajahn Dtun patiently gives advice to steer these practitioners back to the correct path of practice of moral virtue, concentration and wisdom, the Middle Way as taught by the Buddha. He also explains to practitioners that in no way whatsoever can concentration be taken out of the equation.
It is hoped that by reading this teaching the reader will gain a clear view of the complete path of meditation practice, and understand that solely contemplating the mind is not sufficient to free it from the mental defilements. The assumption that the mental defilements arise within the mind, and so must be dealt with solely by contemplating the mind, is true but not altogether correct. It is true that mental defilements do arise within the mind and so must be let go of within the mind, but it is not correct to believe that one can start the work of cleansing the mind at this point. This practice, as Ajahn Dtun clearly shows, is for those already highly advanced on the path to liberation, as they push forward to reach the final stage of enlightenment.
Preface from The Sacred Equation by Ajahn Dtun

Rains Retreat 2023
1st August to 30th October
During the Rains Retreat the community at WBD will focus on formal meditation practice, cultivating stillness, compassion, and wisdom. The monastery is open for day visits, however, we will not be able to accommodate overnight guests. Emails will be answered between 5-7 days. If it is urgent please call the office at 0409-389-887 between 11 am and 12 noon. Thank you for your support.
Daily Schedule Rains Retreat
4:00 – 6:00 am Morning Chanting & Meditation
6:00 – 6:45 am Breakfast (optional)
7:00 – 9:00 am Sitting/Walking Meditation (Sala)
10:00 – 11:30 am Lunch and Kitchen Clean Up
12:00 – 2:00 pm Personal Practice
2:00 – 4:00 pm Sitting/Walking Meditation
5:00 – 6:00 pm Drinks
7:00 – 9:00 pm Evening Chanting & Meditation.
**On Full Moon and New Moon Days the evening meditation practice may
continue all night.
Kathina Ceremony
Sunday 5th November
Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk
10 – 3 pm
Wisdom of Stillness 4-Day New Year Retreat
with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 29th December to Monday 1st Jan 2024
To register, please click here: New Year Retreat

It is hard to find a being of great wisdom; Rare are the places in which they are born. Those who accompany them when they appear; know good fortune indeed.
Dhammapada Verse #193
For more info regarding the monastery, visit our website www.wbd.org.au. For further enquiries, email wbdretreats@gmail.com or call the office at 0409-389-887 between 9 – 12 noon.

Upcoming Retreats
Spiritual Indulgence
4–Day Easter Retreat
with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 7th to Monday 11th April 2023
Weekend Retreat Registration
Rains Retreat 2023
1st August to 29th October
You are cordially invited to spend the
Rains Retreat at the Wat.
To serve and to deepen your practice.
Minimum stay of one month and priority will be given to those who can commit for the entire three months.
To register for the Rains retreat, please complete the application form on the WBD website.

Wisdom of Stillness
5-Day New Year Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Thursday 30th to Tuesday 2nd January 2022
To register, click here: New Year Retreat Registration
Ajahn Chah Remembrance
Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 14th to Sunday 16th January 2022
To register, click here: Ajahn Chah Retreat Registration Fully Booked, Waiting List Only
Spiritual Indulgence
February Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 11th to Sunday 13th February 2022
To register, click here: Weekend Retreat Registration
Still Mind Happy Mind
March Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 4th to Sunday 6th March 2022
To register, click here: Weekend Retreat Registration
Spirit Indulgence
March Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 25th to Sunday 27th March 2022
To register, click here: Weekend Retreat Registration
Wisdom of Stillness
4-Day Easter Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 15th to Monday 18th April 2022
To register, click here: Easter Retreat Registration
Vesak Spiritual Indulgence
Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 13th to Sunday 15th May 2022
To register, click here: Weekend Retreat Registration
Queen’s Birthday
Long Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 10th to Monday 13th June 2022
To register, click here: Long Weekend Retreat Registration
Spiritual Indulgence
Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 8th to Sunday 10th July 2022
To register, click here: Weekend Retreat Registration
Rains Retreat 2022 14th July to 11th October
You are cordially invited to spend the Rains Retreat at the Wat.
To serve and to deepen your practice. Minimum stay of one month and priority will be given to those who can commit themselves for the entire three months.
The Beauty of Simplicity and Silence
Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 7th to Sunday 9th October 2022
To register, click here: Weekend Retreat Registration
A Time to Love
Devotion is from the heart; it’s not a rational thing. You can’t make yourself feel love or devotion just because you like the idea of it. It’s when you’re not attached, when your heart is open, receptive and free, that you begin to experience what pure love is. Loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, equanimity—these come from an empty mind; not from a sterile position of annihilating feeling, but from a heart that is not deluded, not blinded by ideas of self or others, or by passions of some kind or other.
When the heart is free from illusions of self, a loving quality arises in the pure joy of being. It’s not expected to last or be permanent. It is not to be made into anything. It’s just the natural way of things. So when you contemplate in that way, that is the way of faith and trust and devotion.
Excerpts from A Time to Love
Volume 3 of The Anthology by Ajahn Sumedho
For further enquiries, , please email wbdretreats@gmail.com or call the office at 0409-389-887 between 9 – 12 noon.

Wisdom of Stillness
5-Day New Year Retreat
with Ajahn Khemavaro
Thursday 30th Dec to Tuesday 3rd January 2022
To register, please click on this link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/new-year-retreat-tickets-215187871717

November 2020 Update
No Organized Retreats but Practice Continues
While we have not organized any retreats for the remainder of the year, people are encouraged to visit the monastery and practice with the community of monks and lay meditators. The Daily Schedule (November & December) is as follows:
- 4:00 – 6:00 am Morning Chanting & Meditation
- 6:15 – 6:45 am Breakfast (optional)
- 7:00 – 9:30 am Work Period
- 10:00 – 11:30 am Lunch and Kitchen Clean Up
- 12:00 – 2:00 pm Rest Period
- 2:00 – 4:00 pm Sitting/Walking Meditation
- 5:00 – 6:00 pm Evening Drinks
- 7:00 – 9:00 pm Evening Chanting & Meditation.
**On Full Moon and New Moon Days the evening meditation practice may continue all night.
- Guests are asked to abide by the following Precepts and Monastery rules.
- To refrain from killing or
harming any living being.
- To refrain from taking that which is not given.
- To refrain from any sexual activity. No physical contact or intimacy with another person.
- To refrain from false or harsh speech.
- To refrain from taking intoxicants which confuse the mind.
- To refrain from eating before sunrise and after noon.
- To refrain from entertainments, beautifications and adornments.
- To join in the monastery schedule and work duties.
- To refrain from using telephones, computers, and the internet.
Kathina in the Time of Covid
12 Days of Kathina Celebrations
Saturday 3rd to Wednesday 14th October 2020
The Kathina (Robes Offering Ceremony) marks the end of the Rains Retreat. On this occasion we rejoice in having spent the past three months at the Wat dedicated to the cultivation peace and kindness. This is a rare opportunity to take part in an old and inspiring Buddhist ceremony and a chance to connect with other practitioners.
The core values that are celebrated during the Kathina are those that make living together in harmony possible; qualities like kindness, compassion, patience and acceptance. In our sometimes confusing and competitive world, it is important to remember that our own sense of well-being cannot be secure unless it is founded on acts of generosity and goodwill to others.
Due to the pandemic restrictions, this year’s Kathina celebrations will take place over 12 days with the following conditions:
1. Maximum of 30 people per day.
2. Facial masks are worn.
3. Visitors are encouraged to visit on week days, when possible.
4. Registration required (at wbdoffice@gmail.com)
Rains Retreat 2020

Rains Retreat 2020
6th July to 2nd October
During the Rains Retreat the community at WBD will focus on formal meditation practice, cultivating stillness, compassion, and wisdom. The monastery is open for day visits, however, we will not be able to accommodate overnight guests. Regarding day visit, please follow instructions below. Emails will be answered between 5-7 days. If it’s urgent please call the office at 0409-389-887 between 11 am and 12 noon. Thank you for your support.
Community List for Rains 2020
LP Tiradhammo
Ajahn Khemavaro
Ajahn Sudhammo
Ajahn Chaiyaporn
Venerable Panyannda
Videos of Saturday Night Dhamma Talks
Please keep the monastery safe
ᴓ been feeling unwell
ᴓ any flu like symptoms – including fever, cough, sore throat or loss of taste/smell
ᴓ travelled to any hotspot location identified by NSW Government in the last 14 days
ᴓ been in close contact with any confirmed cases of COVID or persons awaiting test results
ᴓ been tested positive of COVID or awaiting test results
If you meet any of the above criteria please leave the monastery and contact your doctor for advice
If you are safe to enter, please follow the guidelines below:
√ Complete COVID logbook for contact tracing
√ Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or sanitiser
√ Avoid touching your face with your hands
√ If you cough or sneeze, use a tissue and bin after use
√ Keep 1.5 meter distance from others
For further enquiries, please email: wbdoffice@gmail.com or call the office at 0409-389-887 between 9 – 12 noon.
True Refuge
To many places beings withdraw
to escape from fear:
to mountains, forests, parklands and gardens;
sacred places as well.
But none of these places
offer true refuge,
none of them can free us from fear.
The Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha
these are true refuge;
these are supreme;
these lead to Liberation.
Dhammapada Verse #188-191
5-Day Easter Retreat–CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19
with Ajahn Khemavaro
Thursday 9th to Monday 13th April 2020
Reflections on Non-Self
June Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Tiradhammo
Friday 5th to Monday 8th June 2020
Rains Retreat 2020
5th July to 2nd October
You are cordially invited to spend the Rains Retreat at the Wat.
To serve and to deepen your practice. Minimum stay of one month and priority will be given to those who can commit themselves for the entire three months.
Kathina Ceremony
Sunday 27th October 2019
Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk
10 – 3 pm
November Weekend Retreat
15th Nov to 17th 2019 with Ajahn Tiradhammo—Fully Booked
with Ajahn Khemavaro
Sat 28th Dec to Wed 1st Jan 2020
To register, please click on this link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/wisdom-of-stillness-5-day-new-year-retreat-tickets-71195699253?aff=ebdssbeac
3-Day Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Tiradhammo
Friday, 15th to Monday, 18th March 2019
Ajahn Tiradhammo is a warm and cheerful Bhikkhu, and always an interesting speaker. With 44 years of experience as a Buddhist Monk, Ajahn Tiradhammo has led many meditation retreats throughout the world. We are privileged that Venerable Ajahn is able to lead the March Retreat at Wat Buddha Dhamma.
The Retreat schedule will consist of morning/evening chanting, mindful work, sitting/walking meditation, meditation instructions in the morning, Dhamma talks and Q&A in the evening. Retreatants are asked to observe the eight precepts and noble silence. This retreat is suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.
Arrival and check-in between 4 pm and 6 pm on Friday, 9th November.
About the Teacher:
Ajahn Tiradhammo was born in New Westminster, British Columbia in 1949. In 1973 he became a novice and took his higher ordination one year later at Wat Meung Man in Chiang Mai with Venerable Tong. In 1975 he moved, in order to be with Ajahn Chah, staying at Wat Pah Pong and Wat Pa Nanachat. He went on several tudong journeys through the northeast of Thailand and the mountains of Chiang Mai, visiting many famous forest meditation masters.
He was invited to England in 1982 to help with developments there. He spent two years at Chithurst Monastery, and three years in charge of Harnham Vihara in Northumberland. In 1988 he helped establish Dhammapala Monastery near Bern, Switzerland and also later at its new location in the Bernese Alpine village of Kandersteg where he was the senior monk until 2005. In July 2005 he assumed the position of Abbot at Bodhinyanarama, Wellington, NZ until 2012. He has since retired and is now a wandering monk. Additionally, Ajahn has also published the following books: Treasures of the Buddha’s Teachings and Working with the Five Hindrances. We are delighted that Ajahn Tiradhammo will be staying at Wat Buddha Dhamma for the next two years.
Dates: Friday 15th from 6 pm through Monday 18th March 2019 noon.
Venue: WBD Forest Monastery, Ten Mile Hollow, Wisemans Ferry, NSW
Cost: By Donation.
Register for the retreat by clicking this link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/seeing-things-as-they-really-are-4-day-retreat-with-ajahn-tiradhammo-registration-55320318562 If you have any further queries, please visit our website at www.wbd.org.au call the office between 8 – 10 am and 11 – 1 pm at 0409-389-887.
NB: Please register early as there are limited spaces.
Wisdom of Stillness
5-Day New Year Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 28th December to Tuesday 1st Jan 2018
Robes Offering Ceremony
Sunday 25th November
Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk
10 – 3 pm
Past Events
5-Day Easter Retreat with Ajahn Tiradhammo
Thursday 29th March to Monday 2nd April 2018
Full booked—Waiting List only
Vesak Celebration & 40th Anniversary
Sunday 6th May
Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk
10 – 3 pm
Spiritual Indulgence
June Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 8th to Monday 11th June 2018
Rains Retreat 2018
27th July to 24th October
You are cordially invited to spend the Rains Retreat at the Wat.
To serve and to deepen your practice. Minimum stay of one month and priority will be given to those who can commit themselves for the entire three months.
Trying to achieve something in the spiritual world is as foolish as trying to achieve something in the material world. There’s nothing to achieve. There’s only letting go. As we let go, more and more, of ego identification, desires, and support systems, bliss will arise. by Ayya Khema
To register for upcoming retreats, please complete an online application form [Click here :https://www.wbd.org.au/visiting/overnight-and-longer/] For further info regarding retreats and events, visit our website at www.wbd.org.au. Any enquiries, please email wbdoffice@gmail.com or call the office at 0409-389-887 between 9 – 12 noon.
Spiritual Indulgence—Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday, 8th to Monday, 11th June 2018
Is the hustle and bustle of a busy life wearing you down? Why not treat yourself to some rest and relaxation? Indulge your mind in 4 days of peace and stillness.
Wat Buddha Dhamma, surrounded by miles of beautiful bush land is the perfect place to meditate. Come and invigorate yourself through simple techniques of calming the mind.
We will be exploring Body Awareness and Metta meditation (Loving Kindness) to heal the body and sooth the mind.
Retreatants are asked to observe the 8 precepts and Noble Silence:
The Retreat schedule will consist of morning/evening chanting, chores, sitting/walking meditation, Dhamma talk and plenty of time for Q&As in the evening. Retreatants are asked to observe the eight precepts and noble silence. The retreat is suitable for beginners as well as experienced meditators.
Arrival and check-in between 4 pm – 6 pm on Friday, 8th June followed by an introduction talk at 8:00 pm
About the Teacher:
Ajahn Khemavaro was born in Vietnam in 1966. At the age of nine he moved with his family to live in California, USA. He obtained his BA in Philosophy at Claremont McKenna College, Southern California. Except for a brief stint as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Niger, West Africa, most of his jobs have been in the Banking/Finance Sector. While working as a Stockbroker in Bangkok, he became interested in Buddhism and Meditation. He began his monastic training at Wat Pah Nanachat (International Forest Monastery) Ubon Thailand in 1999, and was ordained as a Bhikkhu in Ajahn Chah’s Tradition in 2000. Since 2005, Ajahn Khemavaro has lead numerous retreats in Singapore, USA, Norway, and Australia. Currently, he is the Abbot of Wat Buddha Dhamma.
Dates: Friday 8th from 6.00 pm through Monday 11th June 12 noon.
Venue: Wat Buddha Dhamma Monastery, Ten Mile Hollow, Wisemans Ferry, NSW
Cost: By Donation.
Register for the retreat by filling out an online application form at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/spiritual-indulgence-wat-buddha-dhamma-june-2018-retreat-tickets-42442496650?aff=es2. If you have any further queries, please contact the office at wbdoffice@gmail.com or call between 8-10 am and 11 to 2 pm at (02) 4323 3193 or 0409-389-887.
NB: Please register early as there are limited spaces.
Easter Retreat with Ajahn Tiradhammo
Thursday, 29th March to Monday, 2nd April 2018
Ajahn Tiradhammo is a warm and cheerful Bhikkhu, and always an interesting speaker. With 44 years of experience as a Buddhist Monk, Ajahn Tiradhammo has led many meditation retreats throughout the world. We are privileged that Venerable Ajahn is able to lead the Easter Retreat at Wat Buddha Dhamma.
The Retreat schedule will consist of morning/evening chanting, mindful work, sitting/walking meditation, meditation instructions in the morning, Dhamma talks and Q&A in the evening. Retreatants are asked to observe the eight precepts and noble silence. This retreat is suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.
Arrival and check-in between 4 pm and 6 pm on Thursday, 29th March.
About the Teacher:
Ajahn Tiradhammo was born in New Westminster, British Columbia in 1949. In 1973 he became a novice and took his higher ordination one year later at Wat Meung Man in Chiang Mai with Venerable Tong. In 1975 he moved, in order to be with Ajahn Chah, staying at Wat Pah Pong and Wat Pa Nanachat. He went on several tudong journeys through the northeast of Thailand and the mountains of Chiang Mai, visiting many famous forest meditation masters.
He was invited to England in 1982 to help with developments there. He spent two years at Chithurst Monastery, and three years in charge of Harnham Vihara in Northumberland. In 1988 he helped establish Dhammapala Monastery near Bern, Switzerland and also later at its new location in the Bernese Alpine village of Kandersteg where he was the senior monk until 2005. In July 2005 he assumed the position of Abbot at Bodhinyanarama, Wellington, NZ, until 2012. He has since retired and is now a wandering monk. We are delighted that Ajahn Tiradhammo will be using WBD as his home base for the next two years.
Dates: Thursday 29th March from 6 pm through Monday 2nd April 2018 noon.
Venue: WBD Forest Monastery, Ten Mile Hollow, Wisemans Ferry, NSW
Cost: By Donation.
Register for the retreat by visiting our website at www.wbd.org.au and filling out an online application form by click this link: https://www.wbd.org.au/visiting/overnight-and-longer/ If you have any further queries, please call the office between 8 – 10 am and 11 – 1 pm at (02) 4323 3193 or 0409-389-887.
NB: Please register early as there are limited spaces.
Peace & Ease
There are million ways to practise Dhamma. There’s no end to the things that can be said about meditation. There are so many things that can make us doubt. Just keep sweeping them out, then there’s no more doubt! When we have right understanding like this, no matter where we sit or walk, there is peace and ease.
by Ajahn Chah
Ajahn Chah Memorial
Tueday 16th January
Activities include: Auspicious Chanting, Dhamma Talk, and Meditation.
7 pm – 4 am
5-Day Easter Retreat
with Ajahn Tiradhammo
Thursday 29th March to Monday 2nd April 2018
Vesak Celebration & 40th Anniversary
Sunday 27th May
Activities include: Shared Meal,
Auspicious Chanting, and
Dhamma Talk
10 – 3 pm
Rains Retreat 2018
27th July to 24th October
You are cordially invited to spend the Rains Retreat at the Wat. To serve and to deepen your practice. Minimum stay of one month and priority will be given to those who can commit themselves for the entire three months.
Robes Offering Ceremony
Sunday 11th November
Activities include: Shared Meal, Auspicious Chanting, and Dhamma Talk
10 – 3 pm
Wisdom of Stillness
5-Day New Year Retreat
with Ajahn Khemavaro
Friday 28th December to Tuesday 1st Jan 2018
To register for upcoming retreats, please complete an online application form from our website www.wbd.org.au. For further enquiries, please email wbdoffice@gmail.com or call the office at 0409-389-887 between 9 – 12 noon.